originally posted in:Pokémon Central
Easily my favorite Gen design wise was Gen 3. It gave us truly badass Pokemon like Salamence, Aggron, Blaziken and Ludicolo.
Least favorite... Gen V. Don't get me wrong it had SOME good ones. Haxorus, Bisharp, Hydregion and Krookodile and a few others, but mostly... eh.
It all went to Hell when they started looking like Neopets.
Edited by Winter Soldier: 11/4/2013 10:59:09 PMGen 3 was pretty shit, some good ones but mostly old rehashes. Favourite would be 4.
Edited by Ryouji Gunblade: 11/4/2013 11:02:25 PMBest designs: Gen III. Memorable Pokemon everywhere. Worst designs: Gen II. Mostly too plain, but some like Tyranitar, Skarmory, and Scizor were good. The moral? Don't make regular sunflowers, dandelions, sheep, boars, bears, deer, and cows into Pokemon.
Best: gen 3 Worst: gen 6
Gen V helped define what should NOT be a Pokemon Gen VI brought it some R34 with Braixen alone Gen II is my favorite
Gen II is my fav. After Gen III i didnt like them. X and Y are ok because of the throw back to the previous Gens.
Gen 1 for the classics such as pikachu, alakazam, charizard, squirtel and mewtwo
Fav is 3, least fav is 5
Best? Gen III: Blaziken, Gardevior, Breloom, Swellow, Flygon, Shadow Lugia Worst? Gen IV: I litteraly have no idea where to start. These guys were all terrible
Favorite Gen: 1,2, or 3. I didn't really like the rest. X and Y has very few cool looking ones IMO.
Every Gen after 3 is poop.
Of course there are exceptions but each generation as a whole seems to be getting worse. Gen VI isn't seeming so bad though.
Gen III has amazing Pokemanz. I don't know the gens past that well enough to say a 'worst,' though. Out of the first three I would say Gen II.
Gen 2 is my favourite (Typhlosion <3) Gen 1 is a close second Gen 6 is awesome but I'm still getting used to it Gen 4 was grossly underrated Gen 3 meh Gen 5 meh 2.0
Gen III is the best one Gen IV is disgusting
Gold & Silver were suppose to be the last Pokemon games. After gen 2, Game Freak created monstrosities.
MY EYES!!! Gen 3 is also my favorite.
Gen 3 was my personal favorite.
Each gen did something good and cool so there was no worst, for example gen 1 was the start so you can't really hate it, gen 2 had the best lore because it answers gen 1s story and has interesting stories with the legendary birds and dogs, gen 3 was the most well rounded pokemon game, gen 4 had the best replay value because it had a bunch of post game legendaries and a battle frontier like system, gen 5 had the best story with N being very compelling and the idea that the legendary pokemon stood for ideals was interesting, and gen 6 was the most evolutionary with 3d movement, 3d art, and mega evolutions, and enchanced multiplayer
Best: Either 2 or 3 Worst: 5
ya know i can't decide
Edited by JOSIAHSPARTAN: 10/25/2013 10:12:31 PMKanto is my favorite island by far. Hoen is all right, johto never caught my attention. Anything after that I don't even know what it is.
My favourite designs (going by the new Pokémon introduced with that region) go as following: 6: Unova 5: Kanto 4: Johto 3: Kalos 2: Hoenn 1: Sinnoh Empoleon Torterra Infernape Staraptor Luxray Lucario Roserade Gastrodon Leafeon Glaceon Garchomp Magmortar Electivire Rhyperior Darkrai Dialga Palkia Giratina Arceus Shaymin Togekiss
I would say generation three was the worst. There were certainly some gems, but it seems like it was mostly rough.
gen 3, hands down had the best pokemon designs Kind of mad they didn't do a treecko mystery gift over a torchic one.