I am on most nights. Looking to do weekly (tried to solo it today... almost finished it... done others) and VOG (first time). PSN ID: WillynHook63
I am game - whats next?
Edited by BlackSuitSpider: 12/7/2014 4:55:50 PMFor me the next couple weeks are going to be hard to get on because of work. I'm likely to be working everyday up until Christmas so I can't stay up too late. But I would LOVE to do the Raid VOG & the new one when I can get on. Also, I'm a little bit of a trophy Hunter and would like to get the Clan related Trophies sometime soon as well.
Alright it seems like we have some interest and evenings work best. So how about we shoot for wed 9ish for a raid. I've done crotas end quite a few times so we can go there or run VOG to get familiar. Let me know what you think.
Same here just add me n set it up. It's hard to get raid together so I'm down
I'm in for Raid groups, just did my first VoG run. After 9PM eastern Mon, Wed, Fri best for me right now as I'm in a League of Legends tournament at work and practice Tues/Thurs. Will have opportunities on weekends but can't commit.
I am on board as well. Due to work/life balance anything we can schedule for 10pm ish works best for me most nights. Movado_11
Really been looking for a raid group to get in with. Message me and let's set something up.