originally posted in:DestiNation Community
What faction are you planing on joining? (By my picture you can tell mine lol)
I have no idea. I'm going to wait until there is some more concrete info.
Yeah I'm hoping in that next Game Informer there will be a lil more info on the factions... Supposedly there's a 14-page article on Destiny rolling out in January chock full of goodness.
Future war cult
Dead orbit is the best orbit
Dead Orbit? Mean seriously a little early to make decisions on factions we know nothing about.
Most likely Seven Seraphs....Just in case you couldn't tell.
Who says we get to choose?
I'm currently undecided. My reason being the same as SteelforBrains66; I simply don't know enough yet. I think they all sound pretty awesome though. Hopefully we'll know more by the time the Beta drops.
Til now it's seven seraphs, but i'm not going to make any real decision until i know more about all factions.