originally posted in:Guardian Fire Squad Alpha
Greetings comrades, I just joined last night and I'm glad to be in an Xbox 360 group at last.
Looking forward to fighting along side you guys/girls.
Feel free to hit me up, I'll be on most of the time (other then late at night as I got college) so if any boys/girls want to kick some ass/need some back up let me know.
My gamer tags my profile name: SHAD0WRUNNERx
I'm British so I'll be on during European timezone or whatever you call it.
I won't play with kids tho, only teenagers/adults since I'm 17 years old.
See you on the battlefield!
Welcome shadowrunner, my name is nightraven687, hopefully I will be on soon. I have an Xbox 360, so if your on then please let me know or message me. I'll see you on the battlefield.
Welcome to the group
Edited by Kris Nova: 9/17/2014 2:15:10 PMHi Shadow welcome to the GFSA the best Xbox 360 group around lol. Not kidding! We all have had fun playing games with others other than Destiny. Am one of the oldest UK members in the group, But when it came to playing Destiny I got my copy at a midnight and then my wife told me its for my birthday :-( so now waiting for Dec and the group to back me up and I believe they will show me the best way to get to level 20 ASAP with 3 Month catching up to do! I do get to meetings or discussions or playing other games. Chat will everyone and anyone I do lol Oh there is also a temp website we have, check it out or not. http://groupspaces.com/DestinyGuardianFireSquadAlpha/join/
Edited by SHAD0WRUNNERx: 9/17/2014 1:01:11 PMThanks guys I wasn't expecting such a welcome ^_^
Hi nice to meet you and welcome to our group My gt is SirChopz hope to play destiny with u anytime
welcome to the group! Happy to have you around and I look forward to grouping with you in the future.
Welcome! We have a few UK members, you guys need to be sure to connect.
Glad to have you here!