originally posted in:Guardian Fire Squad Alpha
Title says it all. It sucks that our group disbanded. We have had this group for a while and I want to keep it that way, but it seems others don't want to
Am around
Yeah so im back haha
Again I'm still here lol
Still here
Im still here! GT: TrueTyyu
Still here, was a little weirded out when I too saw disbanded... My Xbox name is LDSfather I'll team if I'm in the mood. But you can add me anyways.
I've been a member for more than a year, and I want to continue to be able to say that
I think im gonna leave bungie.net. i never play destiny anymore. Ill play with anyone ive met on here especially people my good friends like you ironthunder and coolsparten (and many others). Dont delete me on xbox cuz ill still play it! Just not bungie net anymore. Peace out guys!
If GFSA was getting to big why not start using Alliances? GFSA would be the main group and war and mushroom would have alliance, small groups under the main group that good us started.
Im here 4ev3r0nsom3flysh1t
Not going to get into all the reasons but the group got to big for Mac to handle . Smaller groups work better are you going to clear out 50 people from your friends list to make room for all the new clan member . No but the more people you have from the clan on your friends list really help . Agree disagree