originally posted in:The 6 Raiders
Hey all, I just joined and wanted to say hi and hopefully I can make some friends and meet some good people. Wanting to lvl up and earn some good gear to finish the crota missions. If anyone wants to help just let me know. I'm a lvl 25 hunter and am working on a titan and warlock also. Thank you!
Welcome :) My PSN is my username on here - level 31 Hunter and level urm 16 Titan (gonna work on him - got some Legendary armour for him once he hits 20). :)
I'm on constantly if you see me and I'm not doing a raid send me a chat invite and I'm sure unless I'm helping someone and it's full I'll do what I can.
Whenever im online im happy to help. Got a lvl 31 hunter. Looking forward to playing
Hopefully you can, add me on psn lambert2408. If I can I help you out