population growth
More vaccines
The anti-vaxx movement gave me autism.
The graph is skewed by the way. Puts 25 years on the same size as one year. But the numbers are real. It's sad either way.
More people = more chances the mutation has to form
I think we are just identifying it correctly for the first time. Before now only the extreme cases were identified. Now we are capturing the full spectrum.
Edited by BlazinKnight317: 1/27/2015 9:52:20 PMEdit: nevermind I reread the descriptions.
Because of op
Neither. People are misdiagnosed due to inadequate medical training and a desire for parents to find something wrong.
Edited by Zonda: 1/27/2015 8:24:25 PMPossible false diagnosis may also be a contributing factor. As a child, I was diagnosed with a high functioning form of it, but it really doesn't affect me now. Edit: re-read the OP and decided option 3 was the most likely one.
Them damn planes in the sky SPRAYING!!! Damn geo-engineering!!!
Why does it matter. who cares what others think or believe it's not my problem I'm not they're supervisor and they aren't mine.
Nome of the above. It's could be caused by our exposure to unnatural chemicals.
Junk food and videogames. [spoiler]Call of Duty[/spoiler]
Are your parents brother and sister too?
Because your mom keeps having kids.
All of the early/dumb sex men and women's have been doing, drinking while pregnant, genetics passing on from uncles and brothers, 2nd hand smoking, ect.
Because OP is fgt
Edited by jasperbarg: 1/27/2015 7:07:07 PMYou got a lot of aspects on autisme. Like PDD-nos (thats what its called in my country) wich is basicly people being socially akward and not knowing how to talk/respond to people. Wich js probably caused by social media, talking online to people is a whole different thing than talking to people in person. [spoiler]i know my english is not the best its the worst[/spoiler]
Also I think you should add to "diagnosis increasing" the fact that what is classed as autism is changing. 10 years ago autism was just one condition you had to varying degrees. Now it's a spectrum of about 20 different personality traits with autism at one end and Aspergers at the other, with normality in the middle. So all the people who where diagnosed as having one disorder before now fall under the autistic diagnosis. Literally everyone will score as partially autistic on at least 1 of the traits. As such, there are many people out there classed as having "high functioning autism". They can go about their lives like normal people but still get the autism diagnosis.
I think because of low infant mortality rate. Basically people with autism genes are breeding and those kids don't end up dying at an early age like they used to hundreds of years ago, but instead grow up to be adults and mostly likely have kids of their own, passing on their autism genes to the next generation.
Edited by fraggumz: 1/27/2015 6:56:01 PM1 in 68? holy -blam!- I can't even read the comments at the bottom of that article's web page. they're so dumb they hurt my brain.
more and more people turn away from god and choose autism its very sad really