originally posted in:Guardians Black Phoenix
Im just wondering cause I have trouble finding good players to play with.
I do have friends that I play with but their not on all the time when I get on.
I like having fun and goofing off. But getting killed 10 times in a row isn't fun.
Add me.. DDunc57
Im on 360 odinslayer666 i play late on eastern u.s. timezone im lookin to start doin more fireteam but have a lot of campaign time
I'm on 360. Tag is same as name. I'm usually on weekends but I get some evenings here and there.
I play on 360 get is the same as this got two 34s and one 32 that imma work on today to 34
Me. Feel free to add me. I'm on mainly on weekends but do get on some in the week.