originally posted in:BOLDLY TO THE STARS
Hello, everyone. Pretty much the title. Am relatively new to the game, with a level Forty titan (at light 254, or there abouts) and a level twenty-five hunter. Have played most of the game as single player, with the exception of strikes -- where no one is willing to speak, apparently -- and pvp; again, no one likes to talk in those games. I've done fairly decently, I think, with the content I have attempted, and I tend to have an average kd around .75 -- mostly brought down by piss-poor games as I tend to float around .86 or 1.0.
This all said, I am looking to get into some more difficult content and into some higher-end pvp -- I want to improve my game and hit up some raids. Hell, I just got the game and haven't even been able to run through the basic versions of pre-TTK raids, yet. Only strikes.
If anyone is willing to help this Guardian burn his name into the stars, please add TheRealSardoza on PSN. Or comment here asking me to add you; I am looking for partners and a Fireteam -- I am flexible.
Bee Tee Dubs -- I occasionally play with younger cousins and friends, so calmness in the face of death and defeat are highly admirable.