originally posted in:BOLDLY TO THE STARS
Looking for one or two people to assist me with the corrupted thorn bounty if you are interested private message me, or message me through my XB1 GT Sakoda614
Please post in #Destiny for Destiny discussion, #Clans to find other people to play with. You will find more attention and like-minded people to chat and play with there. You don't even have to start a new thread by the way; just edit your post by clicking on edit below your post if you are on PC or by clicking your post, then the three dots and choose edit if you are on the mobile app - after that you just need to change the hastag - to #Destiny for example.
Hey Might be a bit late but I need to do this as well. I'll be on tomorrow at some point. Level 26 Warlock. GT: TheSteelRemains