originally posted in:BOLDLY TO THE STARS
PSN: Dasozi_Tears
Warlock 27
I'm on fairly often, friendly team player.
Age: 23
I just need some more friends to help out where one man/woman is not enough.
Team player. I have a mic. lvl 26 warlock looking for raid group.
Add me:TheLegendaryJolt
AnvenomUT Always looking for grp for weekly/nightfall. Have mic
Team player as well. PSN FireMedicVic. Thank you.
I'll add you. My group is always 1 member away from being able to do raid
PSN FireMedicVic Level 27 Titan. Thank you.
Starting. VOG raid from the beginning Add Th3CuertoProcess for inv
Ill add you when I get home from work im a level 21 hunter trying to get my level up but I need friends to keep me interested I got skills as well man been stompin in bungie and cod games for years so im good with the stix
Ill add you too when i get home , mines ShootForThree on all day pretty much everyday