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originally posted in:Aegis
Edited by CAMMCAM: 1/18/2014 4:28:51 PM

The most memorable strangers you've ever met.

I met an old man a few years ago at a rather dull social engagement. In a room full of uptight individuals, this guy was a shining beacon of entertainment. He spouted off one-liners, cracked jokes about how boring everyone was at the engagement as everyone turned their noses up at him. Dude had me laughing so hard I literally had tears in my eyes. At one point, the man's son walks up to him with a very stern look on his face. You could clearly see that he was rather pissed off by his father's antics. When I hear the old man reply.. "Son, I'm 92 years old. In five or ten years, I'll be gone from this pace and I'll be damned if you or anyone else stops me from enjoying each and every second of it." I bought the man a scotch and walked up to shake his hand. I find myself thinking of him every so often. It's been several years now, and I really envy the man's ability to be.. just so damn happy at such a point in his life. Have you ever met someone briefly that you still remember to this day? Lets hear the story.

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  • Many many, oh so many. To try to describe even one wouldn't do any of them (or the experience of interacting with them) justice. It would also take forever to write. Let me think about it. It could be fun. But it would take some time for me to get it right.

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    • This gorgeous individual I met while attending traffic court. We cracked jokes the whole time we were there, so sad I never got her number.

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    • what a greedy bastard I'd buy him a drink too

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    • When in eighth grade, right before Thanksgiving break, one of my teachers had my class go and spend the day helping to serve a Thanksgiving dinner to elderly/ sick people. There were about 8 guests who showed up and 3 or 4 kids were assigned to sit by and serve their person. I sat by a kind old man named Jose. He was very funny and liked to sing. He called the one kid who was wearing a trilby a nerd. He made what everyone thought would be a boring day very memorable.

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      • I went on a big trip last summer as a scout. We had 10 days to walk at least 200km in a foreign country with a tight budget and a set of objectives to complete, with nothing but what we could carry on our backs. When it came to settle down for the night, we'd simply start asking people in a town if there was somewhere we could pitch our tent for the night, which was pretty difficult, because we didn't know the local language. Absolutely every person we spoke to was so nice to us. I'll elaborate later. I'm pretty busy now.

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      • No stranger has ever impressed me like that.

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        • [quote]Probably the time an older gent pulled a gun out and told me he was going to shoot some kid because his mom was retarded, a bitch, and so on.[/quote] After helping my friends close a hookah bar I went to my car. Right as I was about to open up the door some older gent (50+) asks me if I could give him a ride. Before I could answer he pulls out a handgun and starts to explain to me how he needs a ride in order to shoot some kid because the mother is; insert endless profanity. He then goes into detail about how he left his job early and also told his boss how he was going to shoot this kid. Told me his boss tried to talk him out of it, the people you meet downtown.. I kept telling him I couldn't, nervous as shit but this wasn't the first time I've had a gun pulled out like this or at me. After about ten minutes of explaining to him how I couldn't give him a ride I offered him money for some smokes. He took the money, said thanks, then started walking away. Got in my car and left instantly. There wasn't a shooting reported on the local news the next day thankfully but who knows..

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        • Oh I love stories and I think I have a good one. My mom had a boyfriend for a very short time in my teen years that really kind of helped alter her life. I don't really need to get into the specifics of that. This guy had grown up Amish, but he left that community as soon as he was old enough to. He was very strange, very peaceful. I'm not really a type of religious, but if I were, I'd be pretty sure he was god. What he did for me was give me a small collection of books that propelled my mind and creativity at a time that I absolutely needed it. I don't want to speak any deeper on it, but this one stranger during maybe a few weeks/month of my life completely changed everything with just a few brilliant discussions and a bag of books. I've never seen or heard of him since. He'll never know what he did for me. Pretty cool, right? Don't we all wish we could someday have that kind of impact on the world with just a tiny bit of kindness.

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            So many. One of my favorites was a drunk man walking around downtown while we were eating our pizza outside. He stopped by our table, asked what we were eating, and if he could have a slice. I didn't have a problem sharing and gave him one of mine. He then begins to tell us how he used to be a Lieutenant in the Army and how he was a nice guy. He then explained that he was so nice he would give the shirt of his back to anyone. After having given him a piece of pizza, he decided to both pay me back and show how nice of a guy he was by giving me the shirt he was wearing. He absolutely refused no for an answer and I still have the shirt to this day. Hahaha

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            • Edited by Prototape: 1/19/2014 8:53:10 AM
              I suppose one favorite is when I was camping on a beach in Oregon on vacation a couple years ago. I was driving to a small town to get food when I noticed a couple of people standing by the store. I ignored them at first, and drove back to the campsite. When I got back I felt bad, so on the off-chance that they were still there I figured I might as well give them a ride. Otherwise, I figured I might as well check out a couple restaurants anyways. So when I got back a while later, they were still there, and I ended up setting them up with a camp-site. We sat on the beach and drank for a while, and I guess they were a couple of college students from Canada who decided it would be fun to pack a bag and walk down the western coast of the US, possibly further. People doing stuff like that has always intrigued me, so I bombarded them with questions, and they told me a lot of neat stories about the kind of people they run into, how people have helped them out, etc. Their motive - if there even was one - was never really clear to me, but it was a fun experience either way. That's one of many. I've met a lot of weird people doing even weirder things.

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            • You reminded me of this old couple I met when I was in Italy. They endlessly teased and insulted each other, it was hilarious. I just remember the old guy saying "I've lost my bag... oh wait, there she is!" Still makes me smile every now and then :)

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            • I met a girl that looked like Caprice.

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            • Edited by DemonicChronic: 1/18/2014 6:01:50 PM
              I met an awkward geeky guy named Craig once that lived in the same apartment building as a friend and his roommate. Well once, after a night of toking, he came over and was joking around and laughing quite a lot for not having smoked with us. He ended up laughing so much that his mustache fell, and started sagging in front of his lip. One of my friends calmly looked at him as was like, "Yo man your mustache fell." Craig looked all embarrassed like and ran his finger over it real fast to fix it. And us? We couldn't contain the laughter. Craig will forever be the man whose mustache fell from his face.

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            • Edited by Loaf: 1/18/2014 5:32:57 PM
              I cannot even begin to give this guy justice. It was in a group on steam where I was just hanging out in the teamspeak and there was this guy who we just hit off this huge 3 hour long conversation about the universe and he was so crazy I couldn't even believe it. He started off treating me like I was someone special, but eventually turned into a hateful bastard who would give me shit every time I was around him. I've never met anyone as intelligent as knowledgeable about the world as him who was also the biggest asshole I've ever met. He was so cool. He also talked like he was a girl except said he's straight. Total 2 faced manipulative weirdo. He was also a professional counterstrike player. I was obsessed with him for a long time when I used to use steam.

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              • This one girl I shared a train ride with back to London. Snow had caused disruptions so we had been waiting for a long time. I thought she was cute and offered her some gum and started talking. She was about 24. Very interesting individual. Got along very well with her and at the end when we separated paths at the London Underground I asked what was her full name (which I forgot) and she gave me a hug. She offered me to stay at her place whenever for a concert or whatever in London. I wonder what ever became of her, it was almost a year ago. I hate myself for forgetting her name. Also another girl I met at a Stone Roses concert as well.

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              • Well.. I haven't met anyone like that, but when I was in a hotel in London I went into the elevator with this weird looking guy. I got out but realized I was on the wrong floor. I called the elevator back and guess who's in? The same guy from before. It was awkward and I got out on the right floor this time and went to pick something up from my room. When I got back at the elevators I called one and it surprised me that the same guy was in it once again, but in different clothes. I was like.. How the heck? How did he change clothes so fast? I was only in my room for a sec to grab something and went straight back afterwards. We both went down to the main floor and it was funny, yet awkward.

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                • Edited by CAMMCAM: 1/18/2014 5:11:01 PM
                  So many times. There was this one hippie I met who was traveling the world. His inspired and experienced mind, I'll never forget. Right after I met him, we ended up talking for some 4 hours. I often wonder where he is today.

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