Several troopers nodded. Even ones that had previously broken down crying. Silence filled the hallway. "On Three." The troopers steeled themselves. "One. Two. THREEE!" In one motion, the troopers hurled their grenades down, and took a running leap forwards. The grenades detonated, hurling the troopers through the air, as dozens of shotguns went off as they passed the threshold of the corners. They flew high over the barrage, and landed in a graceful roll, and then tossed their remaining grenades into the camo campers, and opened fire into them as they were caught off guard. The camo campers were completely stuck, and utterly annihilated under the hail of bullets that came their way. Silence and gunsmoke filled the chamber, as a wave of relief washed over the troopers. They had done it. Now all they had to do was hold their location for as long as possible, keeping their unique post on the front page as long as they could. END RECORDING ----------------- It is noted that several key battles took place across the Reach Forums, with very few actual victories, but the ones that were won were decisive. Sadly, through all their efforts, they eventually lost. But as this recording shows, they did not go down without some form of resistance, even when the odds were against them. We salute these brave troopers who carried on.