originally posted in:Team Potato
Yesterday, I decided to continue the VoG by my self, because my group was disorganized and I would not be able to play with them when they attempt to finish the VoG anyhow. I killed the Templar solo (which is really quite easy, you go to the far left platform with the relic, shoot him with the super, break the bubble around you, drop the relic,shoot him twice tin the eye, and pick up the relic again, and repeat) and continued down to the Gorgons labyrinth, after looting both chests, I went over to the tunnel behind the large rock that leads out of the labyrinth, and low and behold, where that tunnel should have been was blocked by a large squared off rock. I exited and reloaded like 5 times... same thing. I don't know if there is another reason, but I think this is a measure by Bungie to stop the vault from being Solo'd, which in my opinion is complete BS. With the already limited set of activities, why would Bungie think it is a good idea to stop players who want to challenge themselves from doing so. I understand that I could never have fought the gatekeeper due to the fact that I cannot hold 2 relics at once, but at-least allow me to try as hard and do as much as I can...
At this point I have had way to many "goddammit Bungie" moments, I do love Destiny, and I want it to be a great game, but inbetween the locked DLC already in the game, the fact that there are only 7 full non story missions in the game, the Crucible netcode makes BF4s' netcode at launch look good, tons of reskined gear and guns, poor and unconvincing voice acting, and finally the complete and utter lack of a story narrative, Destiny just feels so watered down that I could swim in it.
Please make Destiny the game that game that I buy all the DLC for, and the game that I preorder all the limited Editions of.
It's a RAID. You cannot solo it. You are not superman or Goku. Work together with friends/randoms lol.
all you have to do is invite friends to your fireteam, load vog in the gorgon save, and then have them leave.
it requires at least 3 people
I don't really see the problem with the Gorgon issue, since Bungie stated that you cannot beat the Raid by yourself. Although I love Destiny, it is another game that came down hard. The original storyline was scrapped, and will never see the light of day. A lot of the content was cut. Destiny was supposed to be a bigger game. I remember back in E3 2013, the feel that Destiny had. The Plot that made your mind blow. The Concept Art of that 5th Alien Race, and its all gone. That is what bothers me. Not that the Story is now crap, but what the Story WAS. They could've stuck with it. But they didn't, and that is why there are so many complaints.
You couldn't even beat Atheon by yourself unless you pushed him off the edge
The trick is to get a few randoms in your group and boot them as soon as the maze is loaded
Yep has to be three to activate the maze some guys two manned the while thing but had to get someone for that part
Even if you get past the maze,there are still the time gates before Atheon.You need someone outside to hold the sync plate while you get the relic remember?
I could walk around the gorgon valley for an hour and never get caught.. As long as the other 5 can do the simple task of doing a conga line behind me we are good to grab the chest get it and get to the valley exit in like 2 minutes
The gorgan maze would be 10 times easier solo, they're just keeping groups from exploiting by letting one person get to the platforms checkpoint. The whole point seems to be able to coordinate a group using teamwork to get through. But that is impressive you soloed the Templar, it must've taken forever to get his health down one shield super and 2 bullets at a time.
Unfortunately, you need a minimum of 3 players for the gorgon maze to be passable. As soon as you've passed the maze, you're free to solo the rest of the VoG.
This is to keep people from doing exploits to kill bosses probably. To many people were soloing aetheon so yeah this could of been one of their fixes. Bring 1 friend and you can 2 man it probably