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originally posted in:The Pirate Hub
3/13/2014 7:12:42 PM

Is anyone else ticked off?

I have heard, from my sources, that we are only allowed to wear one piece of exotic armor at a time! I find this considerably intolerable! Henceforth, do we know if this is confirmed er not? Also, if you have a dream or preferred exotic armor feel free to post a picture with your comment.

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  • [spoiler]are you ticked off[/spoiler][spoiler]yeah[/spoiler][spoiler]why[/spoiler][spoiler]I can't see my forehead[/spoiler]

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    5 Replies
    • How can you possibly get ticked off about that. I mean if somebody had full exotic armor and nothing but exotic weapons and then they wouldn't need a fireteam then what's the point of the social aspect of destiny right. The would essentially be a one man army. Bungie wants to Gove everyone a fair experience in Destiny.

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      1 Reply
      • Edited by ashdelete: 3/22/2014 1:39:03 PM
        Confirmed and done for balancing reasons. I completely agree with the decision. You can change your loadout at any time, meaning you can change between your exotics if one will suit the current situation better.

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      • Im okay with that.

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      • Edited by SBTTLS: 3/22/2014 8:50:36 AM
        [quote]I have heard, from my sources, that we are only allowed to wear one piece of exotic armor at a time! [/quote] [quote]I have heard, from my sources[/quote] [quote] my sources[/quote] You mean GameInformer?

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        • Well the exotic items have powerful talent trees and i'm pretty sure that's limited to exotic items correct me somebody if i'm wrong. That's better than a full set of slightly more powerful items. I wouldn't get upset until we get to see what the exotic items actually do, and you get two really one gun and one armor piece.

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        • Im ticked off that theres stats on the -blam!-ing armor at all! -_- it should just be all cosmetic.

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        • 1
          I mean I understand why the limit is put in place. Everyone is saying that an overpowered player decked out in full exotic gear would pose a threat in PvP and make the game a lot less entertaining. But this makes me think of the game "DC Universe Online." In PvP games, if someone has a full suit of high tier PvP gear and you don't, you have no chance to beat them unless your entire team attacks the same person. How would it feel to be in a game against a sniper covered in exotic armor that makes him nearly invincible, allowing him to pick off his opponents before they could even get close to him? It just wouldn't be fun. Being limited to a single piece of exotic gear makes the game much more tactical. Yes, the gear is powerful, but it'll also probably stand out from a person's other armor. So if you see someone with an epic looking helmet, you can assume it does something useful like decrease damage from headshots, so you can call out to your team and tell them to aim for the person's body instead of their head. Basically, this mechanic prevents someone from becoming all powerful while adding a tactical aspect to the game. I've been researching various sites, and even though a lot of places are confirming it, I agree with Betrael, because we won't truly know the game's mechanics until we play a final build.

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        • Unless you want to be completely destroyed by some guardian decked out in everything exotic making him resistant to every kind of attack people throw at him thus making the game completely unfair and shitty, you shouldn't be complaining.

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          3 Replies
          • I am not ticked off. I don't want to see people winning matches or dominating encounters just cause they've got more exotic gear.

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            7 Replies
            • Hopeful that not ture

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              • K.

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                15 Replies
                • This is confirmed

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                • We haven't played a final build so we can't really speculate at the true power of exotic weapons and armor, for all we know they are truly game changing pieces when obtained.

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                  • PvE shouldn't limit exotic gear PvP is understandable I don't see how legendary you can really be if you can't wear a full exotic set. Extremely lame move on their part but hey, this is their world we play in so I guess I can't complain too much. Potato.

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                    5 Replies
                    • This THREAD is ticking me off!!! It's so old and I hear the same reason over and over again!!!

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                      8 Replies
                      • I think you're allowed one piece of exotic armour AND one exotic gun at any time. My dream piece of body armour would probably be dark blue, and look really sleek, maybe with a small cape that reaches just above my feet. Probably would have a low armour rating, but a low weight rating as well, so I can just run around and wreak havoc, die, and do it again. If it's exotic, it's gotta have some awesome side-effect, so maybe when I die, it will let out an electric discharge, like an EMP that instantly depletes everyone's shields and makes their screen fuzzy for 3 seconds. (Count it out, that's a lot of time in an FPS.)

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                        2 Replies
                        • It's confirmed, makes you think twice before you put on our gear. This will lead to more customization options Becuz everyone won't wearing be same gear

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                        • ????!!!! Meeh

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                          12 Replies
                          • No, one piece of exotic armor is fine with me. Why do you have problem with it.

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                            6 Replies
                            • It's to even out gameplay so no one is OP.

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                            • Edited by HeadlessFire: 3/19/2014 3:27:43 AM
                              I daresay no. In fact, I find the mechanic to add a good sense of strategy to the game, as players are no longer apt for everything, but must compensate for choices that they have made. Bungie has told us that they want us to commit to decisions that we make in game, and I believe this mechanic is a part of that vision. Also, bear in mind that you can wield one exotic weapon in addition to the single piece of exotic armor.

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                            • It makes perfect sense and it's a good design choice. Why does it piss you off?

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                              3 Replies
                              • May I ask what or who was your "source"?

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                                • Edited by Kopecs: 3/18/2014 6:10:32 AM
                                  It's actually confirmed. I'm sure someone already posted this saying this but...seriously? Go watch the videos or read the Game Informer article -_-

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                                  • Edited by FableTheFox: 3/18/2014 6:15:51 AM
                                    I know the pain, trust me, but having only one exotic piece of armour prevents playets from being too op. I am completely fine with their decision as it is used to prevent some unfairness between players.

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