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originally posted in:The Pirate Hub
3/15/2014 3:50:27 PM

They've Breached Our Walls!

I don't know about you guys, but I would love to see public events in the City, where a group of enemies are attacking one of the perimeter City Districts. Then the Guardians will go to defend the City, and for the rest of the day that part of the City would be damaged from the fighting, and would be fixed by the next day. Of course, these events should be rare, and should be a tough challenge. Having public events like this would emphasize the City's vulnerability, and the enemy's efforts to destroy us. Yes, I know that the Traveler has magic protecting the City, but what if that magic only prevents aerial attacks. If there's a breach in the wall, the enemy could surely launch a small invasion from there. What do you guys think?

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  • I thought this said, "They've beached our whales" lol

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  • Yessssssss Potatoes destroy the fake idol that is he traveler and his heretics jhaajajaannanana

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  • That would make things very surreal...I think that would be awesome, THEY BREACHED THE MAIN GATES! FIGHT FOR THE TRAVELER!!

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  • that be sick as hell

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  • First thing that popped into my mind reading this was the battle of Helms Deep in the LOTR movies. Epic last stand.

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    2 Replies
    • Just after the Darkness I made a thread about something like this. I made up a scenario and had everyone who commented leave how they would deal with it. It was loads of fun.

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    • 0
      Everyone repeat this message, BETA DATE! And try and get deejs attention so he sees the BETA DATE! Thing from everyone and he might tell us. Please copy and paste this and spread the BETA DATE! Ping!

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    • Why do I feel a monster level of disappointment growing in readiness for this games release ? I agree 100% with this idea ... and it is something a real world shooter SHOULD have, something which connects all players. And there is no reason that it couldn't happen, all we are talking about is a shared world map with certain events having a persisted state. We could even have it go one step further, have this persisted state maintained in multiple layers. You have the base map layer ... over which the state of the City's general damage is layered ... over this we could have your zone's involvement layered. For example as well as seeing the general damage ... you still see the damage that [b]YOU[/b] caused. The raft of bullets which graffitied your name onto a wall. But I can sense that we are all setting ourselves up for more disappointment here.

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    • This is A great idea

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    • I think that could work, like if they had different sectors of the city, and if one sector Was taken over by the fallen or some other enemy it would be a challenge to take that sector of the city back

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    • I can see that.

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    • That's a damn-good idea. An event like that would be amazing.

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    • I hope they do this

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    • I'm for it!

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    • Awesome idea

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    • Great idea

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    • If I'm not on Mars or Venus exploring and killing the forces of evil, ill be there alongside my fellow Guardians of Earth.

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    • Great idea! And, lucky for us, I believe this was hinted at by bungie. Maybe not on the scale as you've previously suggested, but still possible. The Last City is big. And the Tower is where there is no combat. This was said sometime by bungie (I don't know when because they say lots of words a lot) so this could suggest that other parts of the city are free game for public events, Guardian vs Guardian gladiator duals and who knows what other fun stuff. Also, a while ago (I think one of the first video releases) there can be seen in a cut-seen that (presumably) a Guardian has pulled his gun on a blue guy (Awoken without a helmet?) so maybe this is a way combat can surface in the city itself. For those of you TL:DR, possible fighting in the city.

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      4 Replies
      • you'll be damn sure to see me with a full auto rifle and an accuracy rifle

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      • Breaching walls is even more fun than watching bras! Do want!

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      • I wan't to do this soooooooo bad.

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      • Only if there is fully explorable buildings. You can see the enemy assault every day citizens which gives you that feeling of wanting to protect them. I would live to see a fallen about to take out some poor lady but just as the bastards gun raises I paint the wall with its brains. This could also be a way to have a standing in the city itself. Remember that gun you wanted to buy but didnt have enough glimmer? Well for saving the merchants friends and family they offer you a modest discount.

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      • I really really really really really really like this idea.

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