originally posted in:Active XBOX 360 players
Has to be 4 letters?
It's for the clan tag. I have it set at 360 at the moment. Post your thoughts
1. X360 LGEN (Last gen) 2. BXRS (Boxers) TRTH (Truth) THRN (Thorn) SROS (Suros) IRON (Iron Banner) CRUC, CRCL, CUBL, CUBE (Crucible) RDRS (Raiders) FWC (Future War Cult) DORB, DDOB, DEDO (Dead Orbit) NMON NWMN, NEWM, NMNC (New Monarchy) DVLS, HDEV, HSDV (House of Devils) WNTR, HWIN, HSWN (House of Winter) EXIL, HEXL, HSEX (House of Exile) KNGS, HKNS, HSKN, (House of Kings) 3. WLVS, HWVS, HSWV (House of Wolves) 4. AXIS, AXMN (Axis Minds) HIVE (Hive...) Here's a bunch of options, I marked my favorite four.