originally posted in:Active XBOX 360 players
I recently emptied my friends list down to less than 30 friends and am currently adding all dod members who send me an invite or ask me to add them. I have a 29 warlock and 12 titan. I am a fairly experienced raider and also play pvp. I play most weekdays from 10am-2pm est and 9pm est untill i get tired most nights. I am a 28yo disabled vet/stay at home dad. i am very chill and get along with just about everyone so if u want to send me a friend request feel free gt is cornlips or just reply your gt and i will add you.
Ps i have a mic lol
Plz add me. I haven't done any raids and would like to learn. I also play every day. Lvl 40 nightstalker 220 light
You can add me my gt is BrainierYapper5. I'll be playing as much as I can before I leave to basics.
I'm in a similar boat. Disabled vet. Just got into playing destiny. Let's go shoot some aliens. GT: SilentBlessing
Gt: StarksLegacy Titan 30 Warlock 25 Mon-fri 5pm-midnight Sat-sun all day unless with friends
Add me brother. I'm stationed in Okinawa right now so syncing up times might be rough but I'm on just about every day
plz add me XxluckysevinxX
Add me if you want, I got a lvl 22 titan, lvl 24 warlock and lvl 28 hunter
Added you, my gt is same as above, i have no raid xp but would love to help out, anyone really just send me a friend request, got a mic too
Add me on 360 gt same as above.
Level 21 Hunter... I'm a fairly active player looking for more friends.
Add me, will run anything, anytime
Go ahead and add me if you'd like GT: fleezybaby420
Lvl 30 Hunter
lvl 26 titan. hit me up
Hey I have 29 hunter and 27 Titan hit me up and thank you for your service
Only level 25 warlock atm but am working on uping it and am on most days feel free to add me: Tommo1998
Semper fi mac, whether you are in the Corps or not, all service members are brothers. Im in a similar situation and play frequently...looking for tactical guys that communicate well during the game. PlugUglyUSMC30