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"Strenght in numbers"

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originally posted in:KnightsOfTheLight
2/16/2015 11:04:15 PM


The clan members who have downloaded the bungie app, are you receiving notifications for every new post in our forums. In my opinion, only my opinion, I think if the most active of us in the clan utilize our forums in order to more frequently organize raids or nightfalls, it would be more efficient than adding every single member of our clan to our friends list. As our clan is getting bigger and we are accumulating more and more experienced destiny players, it's very important that new members of the clan are included. After a while it will not be feasible to join the clan and to individually send friend request to the 50+ members already established here. I think that those in the clan and just joining, who want to raid with other clan members, if you download the bungie app and receive notifications whenever someone post on the forums, you can immediately see who in the clan is looking for people to do a raid, nightfall, or other destiny activities. It's the same as when you are looking on recruitment forums for people interested in doing raids, except coming from the clan, you will know that the people you are grouping with are experienced and mature players. Please comment thoughts and opinions below.

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