originally posted in:The Playstation Army
Write your gamer tag here so people could add you and the system you have (ps3 or ps4) so everyone could get to know each other and play with each other in games they both have meanwhile the beta is available to play and the game comes out. Because its going to be a while, but at the same time. Time goes by fast. (Add me if you want hardyboy717 and I'm on the ps4)
LTW_1998 Lv:23 warlock I have mic Add me
Send me friend requests and I will get back to you when I get back in town (I also have a mic) Lets start a kickass fireteam people! Good luck Guardians!
PS3 PSN Hot_Soup71 level 21 Hunter, add me for daily raids, strikes, crucible and overall a good time!!
Ps3: MegaFlareX Lvl 25 warlock looking for fireteam
PS3 Nametag: Aris427
PSN: thedefilier, on ps3 with mic
PSN- James_G4Fx
JoJo_S_ PS4
Edited by syo00i: 9/11/2014 10:37:42 AMHi gamer tag and psn syo00i ps3. Still new, lvl 5 soon Hunter
Ps3 Psn: DeathHimself Mic:yes Timezone: PST Age:29 Warlock current lvl 18 Playing nights and Sundays send a message if you add me please.
FLiiP-_-SiiDE ps3 lvl 20 warlock
Nighthawk936 on ps3
mama1077 No mic Hunter Haven't started playing yet
TyLeR_FrEdErIcK. PS4 using Titan class
PS4 Fixed_At_Zero__
Ps3 doom_smoker
Ps4 xFearMyPeLViSx add me :) ill be playing the shit out of this game. Especially directly after it releases. I took the week off of work.
I'm a daily player add me on PS4 PSN: NORxCAL_707
Awesome91945 I'll be playing on the PS3
PS3: BeholdMyGirth, add me up fools!
PSN : Shiroigami - add me I'm playing on ps4
PS4 TayloredFlight add me ill play this game like crazy. got addicted during beta
Psn Kiyoshi420-209
Spartan__365 (My PSN has a double underscore)