originally posted in:Xbox 360 Destiny Gamers
What class and race are you guys going to be im going to be an awoken hunter
Male Exo Titan Female awoken hunter Female human warlock Those are current used to have a male Exo warlock and another male Exo Titan. Might make another Hunter sometime
A human hunter
Awoken warlock #master race
Edited by Minecraftwolf9: 5/15/2015 4:49:02 PMExo hunter lvl 28 in fact hope to be in Osiris
Exo hunter.
Edited by RisenKnight48: 11/11/2014 1:00:03 PMAwoken Hunter Exo Titan Human warlock
Awoken titan for me. And just if you want to know, dead orbit will be my faction.
Exo Warlock and I'm undecided on faction.
I havnt decided yet
Human titan or warlock
[quote]What class and race are you guys going to be im going to be an awoken hunter[/quote] Exo or Awoken Hunter
Human hunter
[quote]What class and race are you guys going to be im going to be an awoken hunter[/quote] Exo hunter
Exo hunter
Human titan and not sure what faction because I don't have enough information a link to possibly more info would be nice please
Awaken warlock or hunter
Stuck between human hunter, or titan.
Human Hunter. Something about watching your enemies run around confused about what happened to the guy standing next to them only to suffer the same fate excites me.
Ditto on the awoken hunter. Gonna be so sick and ghost like
Exo warlock. Maybe there will be some life drain supers so I could become a soul sucking machine of death! Mwuhahaha!
Exo or Human Titan
human, hunter, dead orbit
Exo titan FWC
Awoken Warlock, New Monarchy All will bow to the New Monarchy!
Probably gonna go for an Exo warlock or an Exo hunter with either the dead orbit faction or the Osiris faction.
Exo or awoken hunter Exo titan