originally posted in:Xbox 360 Destiny Gamers
I want this to be a forum where people upload any details about splitscreen.
Now, Destiny is the exact example of what will happen to future gaming. All online. Only single player. They will force us to buy multiple televisions, consoles, and disks in order to play with our friends and families. This is the future. They will begin to leave last-gen consoles behind, and nothing will be in their way. We may be gamers, but truly, we have no power on our own. We need to band together, and bring the fight to them! Join me! http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post?id=65349153
[quote]I want this to be a forum where people upload any details about splitscreen.[/quote] Just wait till e3 they might mention it
Splitscreen would be awesome, and I hope that Destiny will have it, but I'm not entirely sure if they will have it. However, Bungie has previously stuck to multiplayer games including a huge focus on splitscreen, even changing the way the campaign was played with splitscreen in mind. I guess we will have to wait and see.
2 different accounts, and limited to the same world (or even general area, really), and be part of the same fireteam. Just a thought.