originally posted in:Xbox 360 Destiny Gamers
Hello, I am a level 26 titan with 22 hunter currently, I am looking for a permanent team of 26+ players to do iron banner! raids! night fail! and heroic strikes with. This could benefit in events later on so we will already have a team, thanks and add me my gt is juniorrocketdad
Lvl 27 Sunsinger and Voidwalker Warlock/Lvl 20 Titan and Hunter. Everyone add me: TheNuclearIED I'm looking for a friendly group of regulars to play with, and I have a mic (If that helps)
I'm so glad to c so many replies but I would love to add all of you, since there is so many, send me a message on xbox with your level and if u have a mic and I'll shoot you a friend request
Btw I'm 27 titan with 23 hunter now
LVL 27 warlock with both clases maxed out with mic and would be awesome to play with you. GT: AncientHunter55
I'm a 28 warlock max void walker and sun singer looking for a team i do have a mate who also is looking a 28 hunter max out both sub classes message me if were any good gamer tag is Same as my name
level 22 hunter. almost level 23. have no friends to play with and it would be very helpfull to find some guys to do the weekly challanges strikes raids etc. my gamertag is DK RefleXx
Lvl 26 hunter with mic. Play around 9 CST. IED Zombie please add me for strikes and weekly raids.
Hey there, Lvl 27 hunter. Hit me up
Freekill1990 25 hunter with mic
[quote]Hello, I am a level 26 titan with 22 hunter currently, I am looking for a permanent team of 26+ players to do iron banner! raids! night fail! and heroic strikes with. This could benefit in events later on so we will already have a team, thanks and add me my gt is juniorrocketdad[/quote] hey my gt is esor missmayi and lvl 25 hunter with mic
GT MSgtCaboose1350, US central timezone, age 18 Lvl 27 warlock both sub classes maxed, preferred play style medic Lvl 25 hunter Lvl 23 titan
I'm a lvl 25, 1 light post away from 26 lol. I have a mic, currently looking to get the weekly heroic strike done. GT: Clunis