I want to do the raid. Lvl 26 hunter Gamertag is the same as my user
MomoTeOso lvl 27 Titan inv if needed
im down to do strikes and raid. everyone add me. im down toplay anytime!
I'm looking to do weekly strike missions. LVL 26 Hunter add me, send invite, etc.
XNOCTEMNACIMUR I need the weekly so add me
Msg me lvl 27 titan all tree maxed
Sa1tynutz lvl 29 titan and 27 warlock
Ride serum04 lvl 26 hunter
Two lvl 29's need 1 more for weekly nightfall! Msg for invite GT: ElliotF1 or Braddifer
K Mos 1989 lvl 27 warlock
Level 27 hunter, GT - saintveritas88
Tshut20 lvl 28 warlock