originally posted in:Xbox 360 Destiny Gamers
First off I want to say I love the fact that this just said "My Body Is Ready..."
Anyway, I've been playing Destiny for about two weeks now. I'm slowly getting the hang of the weapons and armor aspect, but I'm having trouble grasping the whole 'light' concept where you can only level up after you have a certain amount. What amount is that exactly...? Also how would I go about getting better armor TO level up more? If the answer is merely 'do crucible matches and vanguard missions' then I have answered my own question.
Also, my sparrow.. I got an upgrade for the sparrow that I use but it's hardly an upgrade. It had less defense (if that's what I mean to say) and less perks. I was wondering when/ how do I go about upgrading my sparrow. I use it a lot because I've found I do flips and jump off cliffs on the maps more than actually fighting the aliens.
Anyway, I'm at level 20 (25 with light.. still grasping this concept) and finished all the base missions. Just curious about the best route to upgrading my weapons, armor (preferably to Exodus if it's still available) and upgrading my sparrow as I enjoy wasting time on it.
If you took the time to read my little rant: Thanks!
Any help would be appreciated!
I need some help to I'm lvl 23 hunter.
hey look if anyone needs to be ran through the game or needs help whit anything I will help my Gamer Tag on xbox 360 is RS SealTeamSix just send a message stating what you need help wiith and I will help im online everyday from 8:30 p.m to 1:45 a.m #Running Wolfs
Level 25 is just about the highest level you can reach without legendary armor. You'll need to complete vanguard bounties to obtain vanguard rep. You'll also need marks and commendations to buy the armor once you have reached rank 2 with vanguard. Marks you can get from the vanguard playlist, while commendations you must rank up past level 3 with the vanguard. To upgrade your sparrow, you must first have a rare sparrow, then buy an upgrade from Xûr, a vendor that spawns at the tower on Friday, using strange coins as currency. You obtain strange coins from rare engrams, or doing the weekly heroic strike. The higher the level you do the weekly heroic strike on, the more strange coins you'll get. You can only do the weekly heroic and nightfall strike once a week. The nightfall strike gives you a chance to obtain legendary or exotic gear.
Add me if you want and i will give what assistance i can F0RSAKENPENGUIN /\ | Zero, not an o