originally posted in:Xbox 360 Destiny Gamers
hello, my xbox 360 gt is VenserTheExiled. i run a very small but well coordinated clan called Clan Ta'Veran ( basically means clan of wolves ). there are only 4 of us including myself. we come from all kinds of games, such as call of duty and everquest 2. we have zero raiding experience in destiny however some of us have 7+ years of top guild raiding with 24 people.
so we have what it takes to learn the encounters and can grow as friends and a team. we aren't all ready for raiding, still some leveling to do. i am a level 29 titan and we have another titan already leveling up. we also have a warlock and hunter. we really just need 2 dedicated active members willing to take down tough mobs together!
our members ages vary, so we prefer 17+ ... i am 25, one of us is 53, and the other two are 17 and 18. we mainly stick to PvE, so we arent really PvP focused
hit me up in game or here on the forums, happy hunting and good luck. gt: VenserTheExiled
Hey Guys, girl gamer here! Whoop Whoop! Looking for a nice group of people/a clan for Destiny (And other games) to hang out and chill with. Feel free to add me, GT: VioletaCosmos Thankshuu :)
Edited by iNSANE IIV: 3/6/2015 9:57:28 PMLevel 31 Titan, In Aussie, 17
Ey I am just level 21 but I will like to join your clan please I am a mature gamer
Ey I am just level 21 but I will like to join your clan please I am a mature gamer
Hey I have 3 characters all level 26+ and raiding experience with vault of glass, I'm mainly pve oriented so I think I'd be able to fit in with you guys
Lvl 31 hntr. Uk based. Will add u up later
Hi I am interested in joining a clan, I have a level 31 titan, 26 hunter and am levelling a warlock to. I play for about 3-4 hours a day depending on work. Lots of raid experience and am always looking to help level lower people and help out.
ICEYxDOM is my gamertag i have a level 30 warlock and would really like to join a clan i have no problem helping others out
Edited by JuicyChops: 2/9/2015 5:28:32 PMI'm a level 28 hunter, almost 29 with great fps experience. I am super eager to learn the raids with other players. I play roughly 3-4 hours a day as im a college student. Some nights vary but that's the general time! Gametag is: JuicyChops. Please message me, im really look for a clan to join!
hi, 31 hunter on my way to 32.... plenty of raid exp... i play an average of 2/3 hrs a day... would love to join a clan.... gamertag is biig nasty
Hey Im a lvl 30 hunter. I am interested in joining up..I dont play a ton because I work and also have a wife and 1 year old. But I do have raid exp and strike. Hit me up... CPTAMERICA011