originally posted in:The Marty Party
[url=https://www.change.org/petitions/soundtrack-lovers-bungie-fans-halo-fans-destiny-fans-videogame-fans-sign-this-petition-so-that-bungie-will-bring-marty-back-after-firing-him-with-no-cause?just_created=true]Click this link and sign the petition at Change.org to bring back Marty![/url]
He is gone deal with it
Not happening, and petitions are useless anyway. Marty wants his bonuses, and Bungie wants to keep [i]their[/i] bonuses.
I heard Marty is doing CoD games now
Nah he's probably with 343i now
Mmm, nah. Marty is better off doing his own thing now.
Sorry, but it's not happening.
Wow someone necro-bumped this one..
Signed and shared. You did a good thing.
The Petition has reached it's goal of 100 signatures! But do not let that stop you from signing. The continued support will only reinforce how much we want this!
Yeah, this isn't a democracy.
Go away. No amount of signatures on an online petition is going to influence the company. Have you ever, [i]ever[/i] seen one work? I haven't. You have no influence or sway, and you cannot change that. But most importantly, do you think Marty wants the people who unceremoniously fired him after 15+ years of dedication and hard work to be in charge of him again?