A couple weeks back I accept an invite in the tower to do Atheon hard CP. I accept and away we go. While we are loading in these guys are talking about how sunsinger is a scrub class and fireborn is for noobs. I say nothing as I quietly switch to my sunsinger class. We begin the fight and it goes well until the third and final run. While we are in the Venus portal two of the three outside wipe. We exit the portal and are greeted by a horde of harpies. Of course we all die, including the last guy outside.. Everyone starts cursing and then.... I self rez. immediately switch to my GH and get off the kill shot on Atheon just as the 5 second dropped relic timer wipes me again. Crickets from the peanut gallery. I didn't say a thing. They all got shards and ships. I got another vex, a helmet and another sparrow. Justice?? I like to think so.
most fun i've ever had was this one time i was doing VoG on normal with a group that had picked me up from the sync plates -- i was just running bounties or something and they invited me into their party. they turned out to be a fun group of guys. when we got to Atheon one of them started talking a bit of trash so another stopped to teabag him once or twice when he went down. it was all in good fun. anyway, we were doing the middle strategy and lo and behold, the guy with the big mouth dies from splash damage right as we kill Atheon, his counter was stuck at like :20 so we all teabagged him until he finally went to orbit. i laughed until i cried. most fun i've had with a team of complete strangers in this game. they've pulled me in a few more times since then, i enjoy hanging with them when i can. i the second most fun i've had was again with Atheon, different group though iirc. we were having a bit of trouble in the portals for some reason, i remember i was outside with one other guy holding the gates and i believe our third was down. inside they had just wiped, though. we got the 'succumbed' message in the kill feed but hadn't gone down yet and Atheon only had a bit of health left so i said 'screw it' and we both just unloaded everything we had into him... he went down, but then so did we. still got loot and everything, but we were all orbs, haha. good times with VoG craziness :3
Last week I was patrolling mars with my titan when I decided to do my shoulder attack to a phalanx, I did my shoulder attack right when he decided to do his shield attack, we flought away and both me and the phalanx glitched out and got killed by the wall... Sfbe
I wish I had your enthusiasm. A couple months back, my friend and I killed the Iron Walker on the Moon so fast that it didn't even register us as completing the event. We started it, killed the Walker in 15 seconds, and didn't get a reward, progress towards the Public Event bounty, or reward at the Postmaster.
Mine is probably watching a friend of mine fail at the VOG jump sequence every single time. He just can't seem to get his head around it lol. The worst thing is he is actually a warlock too. We all get across then just piss ourselves laughing at him every time lol
well exidaun im not going to wax as poetic as you have but ill share. It was during the Raid on VoG and i had my warlock equipped as a sunsinger. I was killed along with everyone else by supplicant explosions but i activated radiance in the nick of time. Atheon then tried to send me into time and i said "-blam!- you beotch!" and he was unable to for some bizarre reason
Bump for sharing memories?