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PS4 XBO Rad Raiders

"All helpful players are welcome!"

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  • Mission Statement

    This clan is all about helping people, if you play destiny, and need help please join. Every one in the clan is expected to help other clan members when ever they need it. If any one is stuck on a raid or needs help on pve, or just wants to team up to dominate the crucible just post a message here and we will gladly help! Oh, don't forget to add your friends the more helpful players the better!

  • Membership

    11572 Members
    Total number of users that have joined this group
    10 Years as a Group
    Total number of years this group has been active
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originally posted in:PS4 XBO Rad Raiders
Edited by Wolfiethefoxx_: 10/25/2015 5:06:52 AM

New timer to the raid and would appreciate the help of anyone willing to lend a hand

I've watched a couple of videos to get an idea of what the roles are so I more or less have an understanding of what to do. The problem is I dont have a mic. Which is a bummer because I know that a mic helps out a lot during the raid and is essential at some parts. I'd really appreciate any help I could get. My psn is XxcrayonsxX.

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