Infamous Reapers LFG
"Our God is Death, there is only one thing we say to death "not today"
originally posted in:Infamous Reapers LFG
I'm looking to get 2 others for the strike trophy and 5 others for the raid trophies. A good time for me is around 9pm EST.
Once there is some interest (ie 2 and 5 people) we can see about scheduling a night. I really don't care what strike or raid so if you do speak up.
I'm also craig_924 on PS4 if you wanted to add me for this or just in general. Add something about reapers in the message if you do please.
Edit number 3. While trudging through the iron banner to get some 36 light boots I realized i'm mediocre at best in crucible. I'm sure part of that is that I don't play the crucible very often and that I am still somewhat new to FPS games. If anyone would be willing to join up for a match a few times a week (or whatever) and teach me up I would really appreciate it. (looking at you killsquad!! :-))