Infamous Reapers LFG
"Our God is Death, there is only one thing we say to death "not today"
originally posted in:Infamous Reapers LFG
Hello all! As the title reads, I am a new member to this group. I've been playing destiny since beta, and haven't really found that right group of people to be a part of. I'm mostly a pve player (raids, strikes, challenges, etc) but I dabble from time to time in pvp. I am excited for the future of destiny with the release of Taken king, and I hope to to have an excellent clan to experience it with!
Thank you again for allowing me in the group! (gamertag same as my bungie account name PS4: JetsetBlackout)
(Tonight I am going to attempt to take down skolas and complete my moment of triumph for year 1...if all doesn't go well, I may be posting on here for some assistance haha!)