Watchtower84 (291 hunter) Thursday raid @ 6:30
Nemahsis (309 Hunter, 303 Titan) Thursday 630 to help
Witlessdragoon 10/8 5-6pm (304 warlock)
WearyColt659322 (292 Hunter) 10-6 @ 5-6pm
Invictagamer (303 titan/ 300 Warlock/ 292 hunter) 10/6 - alternate 10/7 - alternate 10/10 @ 3 10/10 @ 8
Put me down for 10/6 and 10/7 5-6 runs, 306 Warlock, 303 Hunter
Watchtower84 (Hunter 291) Saturday 10/10 @ 11
WearyColt659322 (292 Hunter) 5-6pm Thursday 10-8
Adm200124 299 warlock 10.6 and 10.7
Samoan june00 ( 300 titan) 10-6 @ 5-6 pm
ImpulseAegis (303 Hunter, 289 Titan) 10-7 @5-6pm
Edited by Rehlate: 10/5/2015 1:20:11 PMSign me up for this week on reset (308 Hunter 302 Titan) 5-6 Tuesday 10/6 5-6 Wednesday 10/7 Can also help out all week
FriDisdemona (305 Warlock, Titan 295 + ) 10-6-15 @5pm FriDisdemona (305 Warlock, Titan 295 + ) 10-7-15 @5pm
SeeMeTrolling23 (306 Warlock, Titan 301) 10-6-15 @5pm SeeMeTrolling23 (306 Warlock, Titan 301) 10-7-15 @5pm