Need one for ToO MSG me XBox One for invite GT: [b]L000 Eyes[/b]
Need one for ToO MSG me XBox One for invite GT: [b]L000 Eyes[/b]
Need a team for flawless and to also have fun. GT: Tactical Wrath
Need 1 for ToO and need to have a mic 305+ light and be good have and 1.0+ kd and have gone flawless at least 10+ in yr2 msg for inv and hope to go flawless
2 for flawless run trials message bhg bloodwar
need [u]high ranked[/u] players for trials feel free 2 check my stats: http://destinytracker.com/destiny/playlists/xbox/ooredmadmaxoo/trialsOfOsiris i will check your stats! msg: ooredmadmaxoo
2 for flawless run trials message bhg bloodwar
296 warlock 300 hunter too need 1 message lebabineux
Looking for 2 with a 1.2+ trials k.d Must have a mic and be playing to go flawless. Send me a message with stats for an inv. Thanks.
Looking for 2 players! I've been flawless 7 times in year 2, trials K/D 1.72 and 73% wins I'm looking for people with similar stats. Gt same
NEED one to go flawless that can hold it's own and is chilled and has gone flawless in year two
I have a 1.29 k/D, I need somebody to help me get flawless. I can hold ,you own and can communicate well. Tired of playing with scrubs. I need someone with a 1.4 or higher to not carry but help me get to lighthouse. If you wanna help send Gods Espada a message.
Need two, just completing bounties and farming coins. Msg gt gaminggone for inv
Looking for a team too go flawless can hold my own been flawless before
Need a squad for trials . I have ran flawless many times year two. Only year 2 players. Flawless runs Msg me asap chiefxtenxbears I don't take care of my kd like all you try hards. My game speaks for itself Just inv or msg. Chiefxtenxbears
Looking for a serious team Last run of the night Hold own weight Message waguiilar
309 warlock been flawless Sniper Positive kd Can hold my own Inv gt above
Looking to have fun! Pretty good! Inv demonwd55 316-318 hunter
need 1 for trials message me at ivaio for invite
317 Hunter and Lock very experienced at trials need 1 more solid player for quick 9-0 run. Must be team players and able I hold your own. Message on Xbox for inv. GT same as above.
Flawless run: requirements 1.6+ kd 40ish DTR Not required, but a low elo preferably :) Plz don't message if u don't have these
Need a squad for trials . I have ran flawless many times year two. Only year 2 players. Flawless runs Msg me asap chiefxtenxbears I don't take care of my kd like all you try hards. My game speaks for itself Just inv or msg. Chiefxtenxbears
Need a squad for trials . I have ran flawless many times year two. Only year 2 players. Flawless runs Msg me asap chiefxtenxbears I don't take care of my kd like all you try hards. My game speaks for itself Just inv or msg. Chiefxtenxbears
Need one for coin farming
Need 1 more for Oryx challenge mode hard. Must have Tolesto 314+ staying up for the reset to do all 4 nightfalls. And must be a Titan with armor of light. Must know random bubble strat. Looking for a clean run msg for inv. Trills after reset
314 titan need 2 for trials been flawless 10x need a good team send me a invite.