Edited by that0neguy56: 10/26/2015 12:10:37 AMLooking for two more at golgrolth normal must be 295+ gt above if interested
Need 1 for normal. Dragging a friend through it - he's 293.. We're all 305+... Message ZacAttack8990 for invitationals
Need 3 305+ for hard fresh
LF1M totem cp hard message OnlyTedHere
Need 1 for oryx hard must have emblem will kick if you suck is greatbunny81555
Lf 310+ titan for orxy msg rebelisking
Need 2 for fresh 307+ hard mode
Need one for oryx check point message for invite
Looking for war priest normal or fresh Need team 302 warlock Inv JAKECOD11
Need one for War Priest. - Must be 305+ - Must be familiar w/ the raid - Must have a mic GT: Sinicuhl US
Light 308 Titan Hosting golgoroth Got malice sleeper n exotic sword if needed message me phant0mbandit or inv me
Need 1 307+ experienced players" with mics for hard Sisters cp. GT: Orphan Dumpling, message for an invite.
Need 4 for death singers Gt is BloodyAlien243 MSG for inv
Looking for fresh run on hard mode, i have completed it on main character. 304 - titan and ToM, 314 raid sniper. GT: ol BrosWhizy lo
Need 3 for normal cp right before daughters msg Radmaster11 please know what your doing trying to help a friend get through first time
Need 5 for kings fall raid hard mode sisters must be atleast 307 light
307 light warlock need 4 for oryx have beat him 7+ times be of similar skill mssg gt above for invt
Need 5 for kings fall raid hard mode sisters must be atleast 307 light
I have a group of 3 looking to do warpriest on normal
Need 5 at daughters on normal send message to RuntyMedal7 for invite be experienced
300 warlock sunslinger & 305 hunter gunslinger Looking for a fresh start there are two of us. Send an invite to party chat through live to Thug Up x2o9x
Need 2 for hard oryx checkpoint, must of completed it once must have emblem as proof 308+ gt: astrine2
Got a team of 4 just need 2 more for a fresh normal run to help a buddy for his first time. Send message to gt iCapitan with light level and class.
Normal Oraxy Lite level 290 I know how to do every thing Need more players Character warlock GAMERTAG Cooljar1
304 titan for Oryx cp invite Lyrical Bre
306 warlock looking to join a group for a fresh run on normal. Gt is NEROXlll.