Need someone to basically carry me, I need two AMAZING trials player to help me out. I'm not very good but I have been flawless, Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED, same GT as above
310 hunter been flawless ever week ( 8-0 3 times this week), does call out, and can maintain his own! Must have year 2 flawless!
2 grown ass men looking to get carried. Gt^^ for inv or we can just do some bounties
315 Titan looking to hit flawless bitches, Positive KD hmu GT KarMa Blakey
Need 1 message ResiliancEx
Need 1 for trials bounties/flawless attempt. Be chill, no ragers or we'll kick you out (psycho) Msg Jusdec ii
LOOKING for one op players that can hold it's own and is chilled and has gone flawless in year two
Need 1 for trials
316 self res warlock looking to go flawless. GT : CRITICAL b3A5T
need 1 more. i need help to carry one guy
Need someone to basically carry me, I need two AMAZING trials player to help me out. I'm not very good but I have been flawless, Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED, same GT as above
I am 316 hunter thats been flawless need two who have also been flawless please be good gt dethnight36
Need 1 310+ for flawless run. Please play at an above 1.0 kd ratio.
Need someone to basically carry me, I need two AMAZING trials player to help me out. I'm not very good but I have been flawless, Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED, same GT as above
Need 1 serious player for nice flawless and scarab emblem looting. 1.5 K/D+ Send messages for invites.
310 hunter been flawless ever week ( 8-0 3 times this week), does call out, and can maintain his own! Must have year 2 flawless!
On an 11 straight win streak with no mercy Need help getting scarab emblem Msg theperfectebemy Your help would be apprecaited
314 warlock with midatool looking for flawless run. Inv me GT same as above
*i need someone to carry me 3 games for my flawless. Message me for invite please help
Titan with 1.3 KD looking to join two with 1.25+ GT AreUokay
1.5 kd warlock Looking for team with atleast 1.4 kd 1730 elo Gt amigosuper1 Inv me
Im a titan sunbreaker 1.2 kd if u need help for trials inv me
317 Hunter been flawless y2 multiple times. Need 2 more for fresh 9-0 run. Only looking for very experienced trials players who know how to win. Message on Xbox GT same as above.
Need 1 Msg unfair taco
**Flawless run** Requirements: •1.5+ •Flawless yr 2 •310+ -I WILL BE CHECKING- **msg Bach563 for inv**
Need 1 serious players for hunting on SCARAB emblem. We just went flawless but lost 1 team mate. 1.5 K/D+ Send messages for invites.