335 warlock hosting fresh run Be 330 plus Know oryx challenge Gt wspdiscgolfer
Raid - king fall CP- Oryx CP Set- hard mode Gt- Damarava My character -lvl 332 warlock with Touch of Malice - send a message via xbox for a better chance to become invited. As we'll have fun and become legends Requirements Must have a mic for communicational purposes Pls when sending a response out ur light level and ur class Light lvl 320+ Experience and have patience As well as no children pls
Raid - king fall CP- Oryx CP Set- hard mode Gt- Damarava My character -lvl 332 warlock with Touch of Malice - send a message via xbox for a better chance to become invited. As we'll have fun and become legends Requirements Must have a mic for communicational purposes Pls when sending a response out ur light level and ur class Light lvl 320+ Experience and have patience As well as no children pls
looking for a hard group, I'm a 335 Hunter.
335 titan looking for fresh or totems, gt above
335 Hunter looking for fresh run with experienced group invite me
Need 4 more for fresh run. Will need a runner, 1 Titan and a hunter Msg me with your class and light level. GT: ERMAHGERD96
Looking for warpriest 334 titan
Need 2 Titans and 1 other at oryx. Message the last broom with light and class for invite
Need 1 for oryx CP, message GT above for invite
326 hunter great player looking to help out at any cp mssg Forty6Down4Ever
Sisters checkpoint Need 1 more to run relic for oryx too Message for invite
324 hunter looking to join team for fresh hard run. Experienced raider. Took a break from destiny for few months hence the light level. Send invite. GT is Kraziirob
Need someone above 325 light to do oryx checkpoint my gt is Aliadas
Hosting fresh hard relax/patience raid. If your bully to some even on light level being lower than 320, you will be booted/reported. In 334 all 3 characters so want in my group msg my Xbox only gt hahndog89
Need 5 for fresh fast clear. Be 330+ gt same as above
Need one for oryx cp gt same as above
Need 3 for totems cp hard mode must be lvl 330+ and know what you're doing msg gt Sgt N0odles for inv
Hard Oryx challenge checkpoint must be 320+ experienced GT SAME AS ABOVE
Need 2 for totems Gt as above Message class and light
Starting fresh run I'm a 335 warlock Need titans and hunter Gt as above Message class and light
Need 5 for fresh run 315 + must have done it before msg in game x BLOWY x
335 Titan with oryx cp gt same as above
Starting fresh run I'm a 335 warlock Need titans and hunter Gt as above Message class and light
Looking for a full fireteam. I'm a 334 on all 3 of my characters. I have raid experience and know what I'm doing. Please know what you are doing and communicate. Looking to do 3 fresh runs back to back.
Need one 330+ for hard totems. know what your doing. gt same as name