Need one 330+ for hard totems. know what your doing. gt same as name
Need 3 for fresh run, message GT above for invite and please be over 320+ light for quick run
324 hunter looking to join team for fresh hard run. Send invite. GT is Kraziirob
335 Hunter hosting a fresh run.....Will be doing challenge....message me on Xbox for invite
Need 1 for oryx Msg tag above
Raid - king fall CP- Fresh Run Set- hard mode Gt- Damarava My character -lvl 332 warlock with Touch of Malice - send a message via xbox for a better chance to become invited. As we'll have fun and become legends Requirements Must have a mic for communicational purposes Pls when sending a response out ur light level and ur class Light lvl 320+ Experience and have patience As well as no children pls
333 warlock looking for fresh or totems
330 hunter with touch of malice Gt as above Looking for oryx cp if possible
Hosting orxy hard message for invite
Looking to join fresh raid Lvl 323 titan Gamertag same as above
Hosting warpriest cp hm, message on xbox1 for inv.
Need 5 oryx checkpoint. 325 plus. gamertag deedas message for invite xbox one
Need 4 for golgoroth
Need 4 for golgoroth
329 warlock looking to do golgoroth challenge hard mode. I have cp. Send message on xbox Gt: Youngz11
335 titan Oryx cp on hard mode 1 needed with experience 1 hunter 324+ light Msg my gt for inv ( the 0 in my name is the #0)
need 2 at sisters, 334 lock. msg name above for inv
Need 1 for a fresh run. [Hard] If you suck, booted. 18 and up. 320+ Titan preferred. Gamertag is same as above.
Need five for a fresh run. [Hard] If you suck, booted. 18 and up. 320+ preferred. Gamertag is same as above.
329 Titan and 334 hunter looking to join totems or warpriest inv: ooi nox ioo
Still need two for totems. Please. GT same.
Need two for totems. I need rewards and you need a team. It's works out for both of us. Bring experience and jokes. Or I boot you.
Need 1 Golgorth hard GT same as above for invite
Need one for oryx 315+ Gt: WaviesEvoL
Totems need 1 must be a Titan please :P
335 titan Totems cp on hard mode 1 needed with experience 324+ light 1 titan needed Trying to help a friend through the raid 319 Just looking for good power and experience to fly through the raid not trying to take all nite thanks n advance Msg my gt for inv ( the 0 in my name is the #0)