Need 5 for Golgoroth challenge. 310 plus and experienced. The higher the better message for inv. if you have totems cp that works too. Don't lie about knowing what you're doing if you suck I'll kick you or leave not spending all day on this other than that I'm pretty chill
Hola! My friend and I are hosting a [u]fresh[/u] raid. If you'd like to embark on our path to sick loot, then message [u]iPrefer3Tacos[/u] or [u]D 50 CALIBER[/u] for an invite. Happy Raiding!
332 titan looking for oryx cp hard gt as above
334 hunter looking for warpriest msg IamDarkAngel264
335Hunter ... LF oryx ...
332 titan looking for oryx cp hard gt as above
At oryx need 1 320 Plus message me for invite same gt
Need 2 320+ for golgoroth challenge (carrying 313 friend )
Need 5 for Golgoroth hard mode on xbox one. Message BaC0NaT0R117 for invite. Please have a mic and be 320+
Need titans and hunters only for warpriest. Gt as above msg me for invite. 330 + pref.
332 warlock looking for raid team, I have sisters checkpoint. Need as many as possible message me gt M1CK7EY
332 warlock looking for group at sisters. Invite me if you need 1 more
332 lock Lf totems hm cp.
333 Hunter looking for Orxy kill. Send inv to XCL Grindin on XBL, pls and TY.
Lv 333 needs group for raid gt above inv me
Need 4 for fresh 320 plus, know how to do all parts and challenge with no hesitation, and know how to listen. Code word is cake for invite so I know you understood this
Adult 332 and 334 needs 4 for fresh run must have mic message mullynymv with light lvl and class for inv
Need 5 at warpiest MUST HAVE spindle or great sniper , MSG IamDarkAngel264 your class and light
Need one hunter gog. Cp 325+
333 Hunter looking for Orxy kill. Send inv to XCL Grindin on XBL, pls and TY.
Need 5 for oryx checkpoint, not looking for kids or jokers, please know what you're doing and be capable. Gt same a s above
2 hunters 330+ looking for 4 more 325+. hard fresh, or join up to totems cp. Message Void Tudda
Need 5 for fresh run 310 plus and experienced. The higher the better message for inv. if you have totems cp that works too. Don't lie about knowing what you're doing if you suck I'll kick you or leave not spending all day on this other than that I'm pretty chill
Need 1 320 plus for raid message me for invite same gt
Edited by MissTooPerfect: 5/5/2016 8:29:32 PMNeed 2 for totems cp be 320+ message iAnnihilate vR be a Titan
Need 5 for sisters exotic chest mic required 320+