Need one Be not a dick and a good sniper Be prepared to play sweaty AF Msg xXKingXx7813 for invite
Good hunter sniper looking for a Good team. No scrubs please tired of kids who have been carried to 9-0 and saying they are good cause they have the emblem INVITE xvdarkmessiahvx
Invite deadman69243 40 warlock 313 light for trials
Need 1 kid that has thumbs Msg: Hunter90755
Looking for 2 to do trials of Osiris Message for invite [b][u]gamertag same as above [/u][/b]
315 hunter with 1.2 kd looking to join flawless no kids please
Looking for 1 badass Msg on xbone
315 hunter with 1.6kd looking for team with at least 1.4kd, inv to GT above
Invite deadman69243 40 warlock 313 light
Need 1 for flawless run 310+ msg Evrett for invite
Edited by ThePerfectEnemy: 12/29/2015 12:24:04 AMLooking for a confident 310+ W/fast res and can hold your own Must have y2 emblem Msg theperfectenemy Lets get this quick flawless Ps only using mercy
Need team for flawless run, must have been flawless this weekend, have a positive KD, know this map communicate well and be able to hold you're own, will be checking stats message Default Era
315 Hunter looking to join a team, no mic but i can hear, and i can hold my own. GT- kcessal
315 Hunter looking to join a team, no mic but i can hear, and i can hold my own. GT- kcessal
Looking for a serious team to get scarab emblem Tired of losing and wasting time Please hold your own weight Message waguiilar
Need 1 for trials Went flawless on my second character looking to do on last character Must have 1.5 kd and above Message me back at YoungSocrate with your kd,subclass,and light level
Looking to join a fireteam who been flawless to help me get there, ive been 8-1 today, invite me gt UKz latte44
Need one sweaty to the flawless. Must be 310+ and must go flawless every weekend without being carried. MSG me for an INV. No scrubs and little kids.
need 2 really good players with positive kd ill check for a quick flawless run im using my 3rd character hunter 307 and been flawless before this week so I only want a quick run msg GT same as above
Need 1 for flawless run have year 2 emblem. Hmu gt:WhiskeyFighter1
313 warlock looking for team Been flawless y1 and y2 Invite ChromeTuna
315 Hunter (with no mic) however i can hear, looking to finish bounties and go flawless , msg or invite GT - kcessal
Invite deadman69243 40 warlock 313 light
Need 1 for flawless run must have 1.2+ kd must have been flawless before gt above msg for inv will check stat
315 hunter looking to go flawless. I haven't done it in year two yet. But I can hold my own. Invite me on Xbox, GT: VanrasUrah
312 warlock been flawless in year 1 and year 2 .. already went flawless but just like trials . I.2 k.d inv xsince1991x