334 hunter looking for oryx checkpoint Experience speed run Prefer Adults Gt Akafoo
332 hunter LF oryx hm cp Experienced, can run if needed I DO NOT DIE, period
Need 1 320+ for hm fresh message light and class
Need 2 for fresh hard - I'm a 335 hunter - message for inv
325 defender titan looking for fresh or totems cp. Hard Only. Message z arctic fox z
334 hunter looking for oryx checkpoint Experience Prefer Adults Gt Akafoo
Golgoroth hard cp challenge, need 2 Titans EXPERIENCED
Need 2 325+ for Hard oryx cp message ironjett with light level and class for invite must have mic
Need 4 people for the orxy cp
Need 3 320+ for hm fresh message light and class
Need 2 for sisters. 325+ gt is name
Need 2 325+ for totems cp.. msg me gt same as above
334 warlock looking to do oryx cp on hard. Must be experienced and have atleast 320 light. 8 and 8 or 16 strat is fine, it doesn't really matter to me. Gt same as above.
Need 1 Hard ORYx c.p Be good 16 orb strat. Mssg on One for inv
Hard oryx, need 2 that know what they are doing...message ogtb kaotik
[b]LFG for Golgoroth Challenge 334 Warlock GT: [u]Phantom of 92[/u][/b]
334 titan looking for fresh or totems I have 335 spindle and 334 touch gt same as above
Need 5 for sisters checkpoint. Would like mature and skillful players please. Message for invite
335 hunter with 335 spindle and touch. Looking for team for fresh run 325+.
335 titan with Oryx cp message duffbill2000 or invite and I'll use my 335 Hunter
Need 2 Titan 2 warlocks Fresh run Message lvl and class Get xDeadClown
335 warlock looking for 1 for fresh Must be 333+ Msg for invite
Need two titans
Lfg at gogoroth 328 Titan
334 warlock looking to do totems - golgoroth, maybe sisters. Invite me if you have CP Gamertag. welshnath91
Looking for a group for a fresh run 325 hunter. Must be experienced and 310 or higher. If it takes to long or I find out you were lying about be experienced you will be kicked or I'll leave. Not looking to spend a long time on it. I'm willing to start anywhere if you have a checkpoint up to the group. Message for inv or invite me.