Need 1 for challenge. 325+ with mic. Must know what to do in hard mode and at challenge. Need 1 titan. Ima 334hunter. Msg on xbl for inv^^
LF1 for norm Raid Mesg [b]Bacardi Silver[/b]
335 Warlock Hard Kings Fall Raid Fresh or Totems CP GT: o SHANAE NAE o
Lf 1 hunter, +330 light and come prepared. Fresh hard raid and challenge. Gt:rl freakmode message in game
Need 4 330+ for fresh. message BMG Scorpion for inv
334 TITIAN I need 5 ppl for fresh raid I prefer ppl 330 plus and are exprience in kings fall raid message crase25 for invite
Need 3 golgaroth hard kings fall
315 lock looking for fresh, no mic
Need Four golgoroth Cp going for The challenge gt same ad Name mess for inv
Got GOGOROTH CP ready for challenge for 3rd Character Looking for FIVE MORE to get done and collect chest afterwards 310 light+ Message SpliffBiffTom for invite
Fresh run hard raid message with light and class xnybxgotti
Need "1" for daughters CP know what to do MESSAGE GT ABOVE FOR INVITE LIGHT 325+
335 titan experienced i have mic lfg to do full raid and challenge i have all challenge emblems to prove i know what to do. Same gt as above
Need 2 for Fresh Hard Raid. Message for invite. GT is MMS Message.
335 hunter lf totems
Need 2 Titans 330 up for totems fast run
Need 4 for hard raid 332 hunter
Need 1 titan for gogoroth hard message exotic patrikox for inv
329 hunter golgoroth cp invite me gt the same
Need 5 at sisters cp must b 310+ msgs me for invite gt is Gaz the warlord
Need 2 hard kings fall fresh. Msg azotixs for inv.
335 titan for golgoroth cp inv gt same
Looking for 2 more for Oryx, hard. 320+ Know what you're doing.
Need 2 for fresh hard raid Message Apex MR RE for invite
Hunter 335 Looking for 5 fresh, with challenge Quick run -> very exp players, 327+, no kids Msg TIGER GALI ingame
335 titan for golgoroth cp inv gt same