Need 1 for kings fall hard fresh run message gameraimberley1 Xbox one
Need 3 more on hard mode invite gt n7d3rekb fresh
Need one at sisters on hard,message yotemastaflex for invite be experienced for challenge!
At golgoroth, need 2. Send Message To Jt Backpacks U for invite
LF 4 elite raiders At daughters looking to finish oryx quick. Msg gt above for inv.
334 titan hosting fresh raid. Please be 318+and experienced. Send message to jt backpacks u for invite.
320 Hunter for fresh raid inv in game
Need 5 exp for oryx challenge. Msg me your stats for an invite
334 titan. Fresh hard kf raid. Looking for 5 people. Send me a xbox message with your character. Please have done hard oryx challenge. Please be 315 or above with tom. Gt: Kpino2008
326 titan looking to join at golgoroth cp. Gt: same as above
oking to do the raid on hard. I have completed it on normal many times, but looking for more of a challenge. Since I have used my hunter once already this week, I am using my 313 warlock now. LT KIFF KR0KER is my gamertag. The O is the number zero.
329 warlock looking for fresh run. Gt wormilicious
Skilled 325 titan lookin to join a group for fresh run no mic but i can here you and i know what im doin np. Invite me gt DEADPOOLZ OP
Need 2 for fresh run msg emperor quail
Need 4 for oryx challenge, want to get it done asap, we are 322 and above. Message me for invite
Need 1 patient hunter for hard fresh. Must have done kf raid multiple times. Teaching someone how to do the raid. Message on Xbox if willing to help.
Fresh. Need 5. Need 2 Titans and a runner. Must be 325+. Msg Boogieshakez
326 titan looking to join at warpriest cp. Gt: same as above
Need 4 for fresh run will be doing challenge.
330 warlock looking for group to do oryx challenge
330 warlock hosting a fresh raid. Need experienced players to do oryx Hard Mode Challenge. GT: skullxkrakaa Msg me your light and class pls. Needing two titans first before I start the raid.
Need 3 more for totems must be a -blam!-kn god in the raid please xD just be good and cooperate have the general weapons needed GT:ObiBeanDipPac0 Ikillmyfriendss Steblon
Need one Titan for oryx. Msg MATTTROCITY
I am a 326 warlock with malice & spindle need to do warpriest on hard gamertag is be4styone
331 Hunter looking for sisters or oryx Gt: as above
Need 3 for kf hard oryx at least be 316+ message: NorthBay YEE