Fresh run. HARD MODE. Xbox one. Only experienced players and 315+ Msg nuclearxmoose to join ========================================
Need 5 for fresh run 310+
Need 1 for Oryx, 320+
329 Warlock looking for 5 hosting at Golgoroth Checkpoint my gamertag is the same as my username. My 3rd character as well.
Need 3 for fresh run message persperator
Need 1 for golgeroth hard
Need 4 for raid. Message WadesDoupe for inv.
326 warlock who Has warpreist cp hard want to complete fast be over 315 message JoelSTASH for invite
Need 3 more for fresh hard run need hunters GT: g597
313 Titan to join oryx cp, have malice and spindle, Gt same as above.
334 titan for totem cp or fresh. Add same gt. Thanks
Need 4 at oryx. Msg DeathTirent
328 Titan looking for warpriest cp I have BS and TOM.
Need three at totems prty or game chat isn't working 320+ message on Xbox
Need three at totems prty or game chat isn't working 320+ message on Xbox
311 Titan to join golg cp, have malice and spindle, Gt same as above.
Level 327 Titan Maxed 320+ weapons Very Experienced Send invite via xbox live Gt ValorNDarkness
Need 5 for oryx challenge hard mssg snipez realize
Kings fall hard Oryx cp 320+
Have hard Warpriest cp. need 5. Be experienced and 320+. Message class and light lvl for inv. Gt is same.
Looking for fresh 321 light gt: db Cooper87
334 Titan for fresh or totems message xxsora77xx
328 titan lfg fresh raid
331 Titan lf FRESH experienced group only have all emblems
331 Titan lf FRESH experienced group only have all emblems
327 Hunter LF Warpriest or Golgoroth Cp with exp. players Inv me GT same as name