327 Hunter LF Warpriest or Golgoroth Cp with exp. players Inv me GT same as name
Hosting golg to complete. 325+ msg a little bit
330 hunter looking for fresh raid. Invite brand new shoes
Microsoft is -blam!-ed but we are still running the raid just done it with no mics looking to do it again need ONE FOR HARD MODE AND CHALLENGE MODE who is up for it
LF full team for sisters cp and challenge oryx. 318+ Message mike kileygreens for inv
Edited by brand new shoes: 4/24/2016 10:59:30 PM331 warlock looking to do oryx invite brand new shoes I have cp for oryx if needed
Need 5 fresh hard kf GT: ImmergingSea47
Looking for four fresh 320+ party and game chat not working message on Xbox
Need 5 more for fresh run msg boss gravity for invite
Challenge of the elders 315+ with mic gt is DEXXAL
Looking for a fresh run. Im a 326 hunter. And know what im doing.
Hard Kings fall raid Invite me Gt: AVERYtimewolf
333 Titan looking to join a hard fresh raid or totems invite the tag above thanks
322 for golg cp. Gt above.
Have oryx cp 319 hunter. Looking for fresh run. GT - Wazzup Im Logan
Hunter oryx hard check point Looking to do challenge xb1 With touch of malice invite amritveer93
Hunter 328 looking for fresh or oryx inv me
330 titan looking for oryx challenge cp inv gt is Outplacement
Fresh kings fall raid hard invite me GAMER tag: AVERYtimewolf 323 Titan
320 warlock for fresh, totems, or warpriest cp. Send Hulkish72 an invite. I've ran hard mode several times before new update.
326 Hunter looking for fresh run or totem cp Gamer tag same as the name
320 Hunter looking to do totems or fresh inv me Xbox1 Hard raid Gamertag: iiHALO FAN
327 hunter looking for oryx cp
326 hunter looking for sisters cp
Plz anyone I really need help, I'm at the last part of the last quest to get the touch of malice but it's e xtremely difficult could someone help me plz gt same as above x box one mag me for invite thank you
333 Titan looking to join a hard fresh raid or totems invite the tag above thanks