333 Titan looking to join a hard fresh raid or totems invite the tag above thanks
Need one at warpriest
Can someone invite me. Something crazy going on with my messages on xblive. Can't seem to Msg anyone. Will do any check point. My GT is evil jiiihad I am 324 hunter with all the toys. Thanks
Need 5 fresh know what to do.
Hunter looking to do oryx check point xb1 With touch of malice
320 warlock for fresh, totems, or warpriest cp. Send Hulkish72 an invite. I've ran hard mode several times before new update.
Need 5 fresh know what to do.
kings fall raid hard invite me GAMER tag: AVERYtimewolf
Fresh raid. I'm a 330 hunter. Need 4 more 320+, no kids and please know what you're doing for challenge etc. Msg scarello and class and light for inv
329 Titan Lf oryx cp 325 Hunter 327 warlock #My Characters
322 warlock Have resurrect TOM and spindle Completed oryx before Have mic Inv me for challenge
330 titan looking for oryx challenge cp inv gt is Outplacement
Level 324 Titan Maxed 320+ weapons Very Experienced Send invite via xbox live Gt ValorNDarkness
kings fall raid hard invite me GAMER tag: AVERYtimewolf
[quote]Clan Name: [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Savage Samurais[/url] Platform: XBox One [b][u]STEPS to JOIN the CLAN[/u][/b]: 1. [u]Join the Group[/u] [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Savage Samurais[/url] 2. [u]Read The Mission Statement[/u] 3. [u]Complete the Clan Initiation [/u] [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Click Here[/url][/quote] Starting fresh run need 4. I'm 334 hunter. Message Bazaar Nation for invite
Looking for one must have experience in doing the hard raid trying to do the challenge must have a higher light level than 315 message me for invite gt bbty14
4 for golgoroth please have mic, msg GT for inv
Need 2 for Deathsinger Message for INV GT is above
318 Titan need 5 for fresh run, be 310+ have mic and know raid msg gamertag above for inv lets do this quickly
Need 3 for a fresh run. We have done it before. We are light 315, 320, 325. GT same as above
Need 5 for Oryx cp hard. 315+ only gt same as above
Need 1 at warpeiest. Message xWBx Manislof for invite.
331 Hunter Need 1 TITAN FOR FRESH EXPERIENCED ONLY 325+ MSG kingsalomon33 with light level TITANS
Speed Run from Totems. If you are serious, send Servbot1299 a msg for the game invite.
Need 3 for hard warpriest helping two new people message gt above
Need 2 for hard mode starting at totems gt same as above