324 Titan looking for fresh run hard mode- sike237
326 titan looking to join at totems cp. Gt: same as above
Looking to run fresh hard mode 330 hunter I have lots of experience
323 blessing Titan LF totems or warpriest Inv- iTz Freshh TBH
309 hunter I know what I'm doing looking for sisters INV xCypherLegendx
Fresh run hard 318+ Msg light and class
325 Titan with oryx cp
325 lock for Raid.
Looking to join a team at golgoroth prefer adults GT: Akafoo
Need 5 for oryx cp, pls be 318 and above pls, msg for inv.
Looking to do the raid will start at any part ivt me gt the ducktator 6
Need 5 for gorgaloth cp. msg gt above
Gt UK 10mileshigh. 329 titan looking for 4 to do a fresh start .
319 warlock looking to run hard raid if you have a totems cp or even freash I have exp with raid and all challenges . Lights not a issue my gt is dr slump28
Need 3 for oryx challenge , we know what to do . Im a 320 and my other 2 are 318s . Message me for invite
333 titan LF sisters cp inv xrez69x
Need 5 for hard fresh 320+ GT as above for invite
331 hunter starting at totems msg me W light and class for an inv
330 Hunter LF fresh or Totems Message in game
326 warlock looking for 4 good players GT: BlackDeath115
330 warlock lfg at totems or a fresh run Invite Callsignsky
327 warlock looking for fresh hard. Gt mussbdaman
330 & 334 Warlocks @ Oryx for challenge. Need an experienced team. Preferred 320+ GT same message xbox 1 only!!!!!!
322 hunter lf fresh gt same
330 hunter for sisters cp on hard inv gt above. I have the checkpoint i just need a team
325 Warlock Invite on xb1