Need 4 at oryx 320+ light
At oryx cp hard mode msg gt above for inv *MUST BE TITAN AND EXPERIENCED
Need 1 for fresh hard raid - msg OwNz xWHITEBOYx for inv
Need 5 for fresh. Gt same
At wp cp hard mode msg gt above for inv *MUST BE EXPERIENCED WITH WHOLE RAID
Need one for golg. 330+ and experienced please. Gt same as above.
At totems cp hard mode msg gt above for inv *MUST BE EXPERIENCED WITH WHOLE RAID
Need 2 from totem checkpoint. GT wx Danno
Need one for oryx hard message ayrick02 for inv
Need two for fresh hard raid. Message ayrick02 and include your light lvl and class
need 4 more for Sister's CP 320+ Message tAg Russian
Need 4 for fresh gt as above
Need 1 for hard golgoroth checkpoint
323 hunter with t.o.m. and spindle looking for hard raid group.
320 hunter looking for fresh hard raid Invite - NIWO BootLeg
Edited by Mad Cornwallion: 6/24/2016 6:12:33 AM320 hunter looking for a fresh run, invite me, gamertag is same as above
Need one for war check point 320 or above preferred titan but whatever works msg H2OBUG98 the O is the letter
Need one for oryx hard must be above 320 light send message to grip nips
Edited by Stone: 6/24/2016 3:19:20 AMNeed one for fresh hard raid
334 Hunter looking for a fresh run
Need 3 for hard mode message dusty Devon for inv
327 hunter looking for fresh
all my toons are 330+, looking for experienced players who are trying to run the raid quickly. Gt in name just send a message for an invite.
Need 5 for fresh 334 self rez
Need 5 for fresh 334 self rez
Need 4 at oryx 320+ light