Need 3 more for Golgoroth must be experienced and 300+ would be nice msg AROD THE BOSS for invite
Need 3 for hard mode fresh run must be 308+ have sniper and preferably malice GT above message for invite
305 experienced Hunter with Touch looking for Hard Mode Raid War Priest cp. GT same as above
Looking for people over 307 light for hard oryx cp on xb1 need two selfres warlocks and two titan bubble and a hunter my gt is prox intensity
Lfg have Hard oyrx CP , msg for inv 309 Titan Carlosmeetworld
Need 5 for oryx normal have experience
Need 5 309+ only for fresh run on hard. Gt Rush Fiz
292 warlock
310 hunter lfg on hardmode oryx cp or 305 titan for hardmode fresh start. I have the oryx cp on my hunter. I also have the thouch of malice and experience with hardmode. Gt same as name. Msg for inv or inv me.
Need 4 for NORMAL oryx Must have killed him before Be 295+ light
Need 3 for oryx checkpoint gt same as above
Need 1 more for golgoroth cp KF Hard mode: Must be light 305+ and have experience. Must have party chat and a mic. Message gamer tag above for invite. Must be a gazer or a Titan.
Need 4 for deathsinger checkpoint normal mode, message the GT above on Xbox please, harder to get to the comments here than it is on Xbox because I'll be posting quiet a bit
Need 5 for gol cp
Need 1 for fresh run on hard message Cornieststraw07 for invite
Need 2 at sisters 296+ and must know what to do. Gt is same message for inv
293 warlock with touch of malace Lfg for normal fresh run (hitting all chests and ghosts) Gt MontzterTroll
I need to beat oryx final checkpoint. Groups always quit. 300 hunter. 300 sniper. Good mic and good attitude. I also know what to do.
310 titan with 310 spindle **HARD MODE at WARPRIEST*** 306+ LIGHT ONLY Starting party up, need 1 more Must have emblem or ToM Message name above on Xbox one I know all fights for hard mode.
307 hunter for golgoroth cp gt : divin3xsyndr0me
Need 4 for sisters
Need 4 for NORMAL oryx Must have killed him before Be 295+ light
need 1 308+ for oryx message XZOMBIEZHUNTERX to join
Hey guys, I'm looking for some people to quickly finish Oryx on normal, then switch to hard mode. I need 5 people. Requirements: - 300+ light - Experienced Send Calamity Theory IN GAME a message for a party and game invite. I will not message anybody who replies to this post unless stated otherwise.
Need 4 for sisters
301 warlock and 296 Titan looking for golgoroth cp, Invite in game GT: fastkiller05