Looking for trials team to go flawless. Must have positive K.D ratio and must have gone flawless before. INV me. GT - DJPhaz3
need 2 to finish bounties : 2 more game on my 9-0 card gt: graupich
Need one more for trials. Be good. gt: LeeroyFJenkins
Need one to carry to lighthouse message for Inv miggyf91
Need 1 for trials bounties. GT: Zappa wooof
Need 2 for trials, no scrubs! Must be a savage. Going for my last flawless run this week. Msg on Xbox for inv
Been to the lighthouse 3 times just running for fun. Msg haze 2ez for INV. I am checking stats.
Need 2 people trying to get there rating up and willing to play on a flawless card Kd 1.3+ Msg for inv
310 Striker Titan LF team to join Can hold my own, looking for chill people to finish bounties or try for the light house either way Gt: Camperologist
need a team of sweaty bastards to go flawless. IF YOU ARE AVERAGE OR SCRUBBY, DO NOT WASTE MY TIME!!!!!!!!!! NO SQUEAKERS! gt same, send invite please.
Looking for two people to do bounties with . Flawless not a big thing and your kd is not a big thing just looking for cool people with Mics and who don't rage quite.
Need 1 for trials bounties. GT: Zappa wooof
Need one more person to go for a flawless run. Preferably a warlock, must have flawless emblem, message Zwnr for invite.
I am looking for a team to help me get one when in trials for the crucible bounty. I am a low and not the best at trials so a good team would be much appreciated Mt gt is slaughter ride
Looking for 2 that are decent I've been flawless and flawless would be good but random flawless runs are rare Looking for weapon drop Msg for invite
Need 1 for trials bounties. GT: Zappa wooof
Need 2 beast for trials message xLil Goofi for invite
Need 1 for flawless Must be 308+ Message MunnyShot2uDOME for an invite
317 warlock Need 2 looking to do flawless Message packers4life for invite
Need 1 to go flawless on a couple characters. Gonna check stats. Msg for inv. Gt JMOR Exclusive.
Need one for flawless run Msg comander Tay for invite Skilled sniper is preferable Must have y2 emblem
I need 2 for flawless Must have high KD and been flawless before in y2 Msg me with KD and class for invite I will check stats!
I need 1 for flawless Must have high KD and been flawless before in y2 Msg me with KD and class for invite I will check stats!
I need 1 for flawless Must have high KD and been flawless before in y2 Msg me with KD and class for invite I will check stats!
Need 2 for a flawless run must have been flawless before. I'm trying to get a quick run. Message me for inv. Let's go flawless.
I am 316 hunter thats been flawless need two who have also been flawless please be good gt dethnight36