Need a team for Golgroth CP hard mode - please send message to sergeant scrote for inv. No muppets
Need 1 (titan) 320+ with ToM+Spindle for fresh, HIGH EXPERIENCE ONLY Gt Oppressivez
Need 1 for golg
335 looking for oryx CP Know what to do Inv
330 lock lf warpriest gt^ Black spindle 332 Tom 332
Need 3 cp oryx must have experience light lvl 320 + must have mic send wat class you are we need 2 titans and 1 lock self res
334 warlock here, exp, looking to join fresh run. 330+. No kids, no noobs.
Need 5 from totems. No idiots please. Gt as above. 330 +
330 hunter looking for warpriest and on to challenge Gt: golden clay
335 Titan looking for fresh speed run. Know what you're doing and communicate. GT same as name.
oryx cp...wanna get this done, so know what u are doing. msg stickyhaddock25 ingame for inv
334 warlock looking for fresh run or totems msg or invite
FRESH START ON HARD. Send message to titanxvampire for invite. Requirements - 310 LIGHT - MUST HAVE DONE RAID - EXPERIENCED - NO PLAYING AROUND - MUST COMMUNICATE
334 Hunter looking for a fresh run. I've never missed a Kingsfall Raid
Fresh run fast as possible For people that can do the raid without dying Message for invite
Fresh run fast as possible For people that can do the raid without dying Message for invite
312 hunter looking for a hard fresh raid. GT Spudenski to inv. I have beaten hard before never attempted oryx challenge I do listen Tom and Spindle too
Need three for fresh hard Gt as above message with light and class
334 Titan looking for fresh or up to warpriest check point. GT same in game.
327 Hunter wanting try hard mode, Have completed normal several times, and familiar with first half of hard, If wanting to help msg gt above
Looking for two for oryx cp chill af but we do need a Titan
Need 4 for kings fall hardmode. We're starting fresh and we'll be doing the oryx challenge, so come prepared. Requirements- -315+ light (325+ get preference) -working mic -some experience with the challenge -patience Message gt above for invite.
Need 2 for oryx cp
Fresh hard, message for invite
Looking for four more for oryx cp
333 titan for a fresh run gt as above I have experience through out the raid